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UWP 104D with Dr. Andy Jones

UWP 104D — Writing in the Professions:

Elementary and Secondary Education

Fall 2012

Course Description | Syllabus | AssignmentsHigh Expectations & Position Papers | Policies and Expectations for Submitted EssaysTopics Raised one quarter in a UWP 104D class

UWP 104D is an advanced composition course for upper-division students and credential candidates who plan to become elementary or secondary school teachers. The course focuses primarily on continuing your development as proficient writers of exposition; you will be reading essays, writing responses and papers (the majority of them dealing with the topic of education), and studying thinking and writing processes. If you attend class regularly, pay close attention to my comments on your essays, and invest ample time and energy in the writing and revising of the major assignments, you will leave this course with improved writing skills and with an appreciation for the importance of good writing skills in your life and in the lives of your future students.

Class Location: 2102 Student Community Center (SCC)
Meeting Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:10-4:30.

Dr. Andy Jones, Instructor
Office Location: 353 Voorhies
Office Phone: 752-3408
E-Mail: aojones@ucdavis.edu
Twitter: @andyojones (for faster responses)
Automated Class Mailing List Address: uwp104df12@smartsite.ucdavis.edu
Office Hours: Mondays from 3:30-4:30 and Thursdays at 9 in 353 Voorhies. Sunday evening office hours (9-11 pm or so) at Crepeville are typically offered when papers are soon due.

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